About me

Hi, my name is Sami. Welcome to stc eats!

As you may have guessed, my middle and last initials are T and C, and I love to eat. I was born and raised in Santa Monica with a Persian background and a family blessed with amazing cooks, so food has always been at the forefront of my life. It’s not until I went to college in Claremont, a small town an hour drive east of Santa Monica, and experienced a decreased density of restaurants as well as home cooked meals that I realized how much I really enjoy good food. I’ve always loved photography, so I decided, as any millennial would, that the best way to fuse my passions of food and photography was to create a food Instagram. So, STCeats was born in 2014. Since then, I’ve been eating away and sharing my experiences online.

In 2018 I moved to Chicago for a new chapter in my life (yes, I moved in the dead of winter, and yes, it was not the most pleasant experience). Still, Chicago is an amazing city with an incredible food scene. I’ve had the best time exploring the blank slate where every venue is completely new to me. I travel back to LA quite often, which is why stc eats encompasses both cities.

I spend much of my free time (probably way too much) reading about chefs and new restaurants, testing new ones, attending food festivals, stalking food trucks, and feeling completely obnoxious as I snap away with my super bright flash (good lighting makes such a difference though!!) while everyone at the table, annoyed, must patiently wait, mouths watering, until I get just the right shot. Basically I love food, I love to share my experiences and I love recommending cool eateries. That’s why I’ve created this blog.


Let’s connect on Instagram!
